Friday, 6 June 2014


This game was entirely based on one of my previous projects in which I created two robots which would race along a track. I turned this into an animation for my Unit 67.

Originally I wanted to go with my HunterXHunter project and even drew up a story board for it, however after seeing my Unit 67 animation, my tutor saw potential in the idea and urged me to carry it on.

I started off by coming up with some gameplay modes, I originally came up with these ideas based on shots from my animation. Initially this would seem restricting, however I felt those restrictions helped me come up with some unique ideas and ultimately I started to see potential in possibly evolving the racing genre as a whole.

In coming up with these modes, it also inspired my story. The Grav-Tron Grab is the mode which initially inspired my idea of setting this game within a universe which is scarce on resources. Grav-Tron its self is the most rare and valuable of those resources. I was also inspired by the Hunger Games and decided that the way for the player to get a hold of this resource was via competing in a deadly tournament based on racing.

I decided to create a sort of player pool, in which 4 separate galaxies would house the players of the game. I didn't want people to just pick a galaxy which would be winning during a certain week, so I decided that before starting the game, each player would undergo a sort of personality test which would then place them into an appropriate galaxy.

When deciding what the winning galaxy would achieve for winning a tournament at the end of a week, I decided to stick with my story and award the winning galaxy a large amount of Grav-Tron. Allowing for the players to really feel like they can achieve something by working together as a team.

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